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Village News for November 10, 2023

November 11th is the annual celebration of our veterans for their patriotism, willingness to serve, love of country, and great sacrifices. Although it is officially observed on other days on occasion, such this year, when the Federal holiday is November 10th, the date of November 11th, was chosen because it marks the armistice (i.e., when fighting ceased) of War World I, which occurred in the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month. For more information on the history of Veterans Day, The Veterans Administration’s website is a wealth of information. One of our members (who also serves a volunteer) pointed out that veterans may want to get together or talk with other veterans. We could form a Village veterans’ group. In reviewing our membership forms, I realized that we don’t capture whether or not someone is a veteran. We’re going to change that in the near future. In the interim, if you’re a veteran and wish to be a part of a proposed group for veterans, please send an email, indicating your branch of service, years served, and anything else that you’d like others to know about your service. Please also take note of some upcoming events:

  • Tomorrow, Saturday, from 9 am until Noon, we will be collecting vinyl records for resale with all proceeds benefiting the Village. Drop off your vinyl donation at 2800 Calvert Street, NW and enjoy a mug of hot cider with other members and volunteers assisting with the effort.

  • Tuesday at 7pm at the Cleveland Park Library, we’ll be co-sponsoring the Tuesday Talk, featuring journalist and editor, David Maraniss discussing his latest book, Path Lit By Lightning, about the life of the renowned Native American Olympian James Francis Thorpe, a member of the Sac and Fox Nation, who won two gold medals for the US at the 1912 Summer Games. Click here to register.

  • On Thanksgiving Day, Annunciation Catholic Church will be hosting a free community dinner at 12 pm. Please see the article under the Community Corner for more information on this group dining option. For those members that would like a volunteer-prepared meal, delivered at around 11 am on Thanksgiving Day, please call the office at 202-615-5853 or send an email and let us know any dietary considerations.

Again, thank you to all our veterans for your service, sacrifice, and courage. P.S. Many thanks to all those that donated items for or participated in our online auction. We raised over $4,000! Special thanks to member and volunteer, Mimi Cutler, for her sponsorship of the auction.


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