Did you know Members Plus has an "emergency team" of volunteers who respond to urgent last minute requests?
It's just one of the benefits of this membership level. This week my own mother, Nancy, benefited from this service. She joined just before I took the job as Executive Director (perhaps with a little prompting by yours truly) mostly as an “insurance policy” in the event that I couldn’t do something for her. More than three years later, that day came. Battling a bad cold that has flattened me for much of the week, I simply could not make my way to the pharmacy to pick up her needed asthma medicine. On her behalf, I was able to put in an emergency request, given that she only had one day of medicine remaining. A committed volunteer, part of our “emergency team”, picked up the prescription by the end of the day. The "Emergency Team" is there for Members Plus
This situation highlights the value of our Members Plus level of membership, even if it’s just in case you need something occasionally, but also to emphasize that although we ask for three business days’ notice for volunteer requests, we also have a small team of 5 volunteers that are willing to fulfill emergency requests where planning was not possible. For example, when one becomes ill and the doctor calls in a prescription or a planned ride from a friend falls through at the last minute and you need to get to your appointment. The Village is here to help. The slogan, “Neighbors helping Neighbors” is at the heart of who we are as a community. Member Social
Next Thursday, April 27th at 5pm at the Broadmoor, we are hosting a member social. The address is 3601 Connecticut Ave, NW and we will be in the bar area just off the main lobby. We hope all members, and particularly new members, will come join us for camaraderie, appetizers by Cleveland Park’s Byblos, and wine/soda. It will be a nice way to meet others and relax a bit. If you’ve not already done so, please click this link to register or call the office at 202-615-5853. Refer a Friend - get $100 off your membership
Finally, May is both Older Americans Month and a membership month for us. If you are an existing member and you refer a friend to us who becomes a member, you will receive $100 off your own membership renewal (when your membership is due to renew.). So, tell your friends, neighbors and acquaintances about our wonderful organization. You can give them our website (www.CWPV.org/join) to learn more! or ask them to call the office. Just tell them to let us know that you sent them for the discount on your membership renewal.