Like all of you I’ve been stunned by the images of destruction in Florida this week. My heart goes out to those suffering from recent hurricanes, Ian and Fiona. I can’t imagine how those communities are coping, and I’m particularly concerned for the older residents with limited mobility and poor health who reside there in large numbers.
At times like this we want to reach out and help and often get unsolicited calls to support with donations. But a note of caution - please do so carefully and make sure you are donating to reputable organizations. This article lists several trustworthy groups who are accepting donations to support Florida and Puerto Rico relief efforts.
Emergency Preparation.
Seeing the images of natural disasters on our televisions reminds us that we should all be ready if the unexpected happens. Here are a few things you might do to be better prepared:
Complete a “File for Life” card with information related to your health, medications, primary care physicians, and emergency contacts. First responders are trained to look on refrigerators for these documents. The village office has a limited supply of these documents so please let us know if you’d like to stop by and pick one up.
Review FEMA’s guide on emergency preparedness for older adults or Ready DC’s resources and make a plan.
Call or email the Village office and make sure that your emergency contacts on file are up-to-date.
Enroll with DC SERVE to have your sidewalk shoveled in the event of a major snowstorm.
Rain Pushes Bluegrass Concert by One Week
The remnants of Hurricane Ian promise to inundate our area with rain for the next several days and it will effect our weekend program schedule. We have rescheduled our bluegrass concert at Rosedale Conservancy until next weekend, October 8 from 4-6pm. There’s still time to register for those wishing to hear Hollertown, a local favorite band.
Upcoming Events
We have a few more vaccine appointments available for our clinic on Thursday, October 6. Giant Pharmacy will be outside (weather permitting) at the Broadmoor Cooperative, administering the seasonal flu, COVID and booster, shingles, and pneumonia vaccines.
Be sure to check out our monthly calendar of events on our website or in the calendar of events below for such activities as our walking groups, yoga, book clubs, Tuesday Talk, and more.
Stay safe everyone and I hope to see you at an event in near future!
Frank Finamore is Executive Director of the Village