As the Case Manager for the Cleveland/Woodley Park Village, my role is to provide members with expertise and resources in navigating unanticipated events that can befall us as we age.
Remaining in our homes as we age can be an important and wonderful experience, but we also must be prepared so that our home remains a safe and comfortable environment. In addition, sometimes life throws us a few unanticipated curve balls, and one of my roles for Village members is to help you navigate difficult times whether a hospital stay, the need for rehab, or the loss of a loved one.
There are several ways in which I can help you.
One of the most effective is by arranging a home visit (which I have done with some of you) where I can learn about your current living situation, your general health, and the types of services that you may require ranging from transportation and meal delivery to identifying resources for legal or financial aid.
I may first meet you when you have had a significant life altering experience that ends up with hospitalization.
During these times of crisis, I can be an effective resource in helping you navigate the relationship with your health care providers, the hospital social worker, and anticipating and arranging for your needs once you are discharged.
Post-discharge can often result in the need to spend time in a rehab facility before returning to your home, and I can help with those arrangements.
I can also work closely with you, your family, and/or friends to make sure that your home environment will be safe upon your return.
Should you need additional nursing care, meals, transportation etc., I can work with you to identify those resources as well.
As your case manager, I am here to make aging in place a positive experience, whether navigating routine day to day activities, or being a valuable resource in the event of a potentially life altering event.
Members Plus can schedule a call with Barbara by e-mailing the Village office