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Writer's pictureFrank Finamore

From Frank ... | Jan 8

This week I’ll admit to being a bit overwhelmed with all that is happening in our world. With the pandemic continuing to surge, still grieving those that we’ve lost recently, and the events at the Capitol, it’s easy to understand why I, and perhaps others, feel out of balance. I am somewhat hopeful now that the vaccine will be rolled out but we must keep in mind that even if one is vaccinated, life will not immediately go back to pre-pandemic times.

When it comes to the virus, we’re still in the midst of running the marathon and while the end is tantalizingly in sight, its still out of reach. It reminds me of when I actually did run the Marine Corps Marathon (in 1992, which seems like a million years ago now). I could see the the balloons at the finish line, but I was still 3 or 4 miles away as I was crossing the 14th Street Bridge. I'm hopeful - based on the availability of two vaccines - but recognize that we still have a way to go to put this past us.

What got me through those final 4 miles was my running partner and also a little competitiveness because I didn’t want to be outrun by the nearby marine platoon! For us, during this pandemic marathon, we have each other to rely upon. We’re a community, helping and encouraging each other to stick with physical distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing. We’re here for those that may have lost a loved one, whether from the virus or otherwise. We’re here for each other via Zoom, phone calls, and cards to one another.

In my big family, my original community, I learned too that others could help me get through the best and the worst of times. In our Village community, we have a social worker, Barbara Scott, that can be very helpful dealing with the stress of our times. We have each other and we have many programs, including a new Tai Chi offering! It’s an eight-week course on Zoom, beginning, Tuesday, January 19th at 2:30. Registration is required so please send an email if interested.

I hope everyone has a restful weekend. Know that your Village is here for you. Most importantly, if you need assistance registering for an appointment to receive a COVID vaccine, please call or email the office on Monday morning.



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