Tuesday March 29
At 12:30 pm: Keeping Arthritis Joints Healthy and Happy Are you sitting out some of your favorite pastimes? Join Renee, Roberto, Brian and Chloe for a brief overview of arthritis and learn some do’s and don’ts. The team will show you exercises you can do at home to improve your range of motion safely. Register here. At 1:00 pm: Exercises/Stretches After Long Sedentary Periods They say that “sitting” is the new smoking. If you can’t break yourself from the habit of sitting for long periods at the computer, or watching TV, then this session is for you. Join Devni, Caro, Tesia, and Caroline for a short but much needed stretch break. Warning: the exercises may be habit forming.
Presented by Foggy Bottom West End Village. These sessions are 15 minutes long and sponsored by GWU PT Department graduate students.