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Writer's pictureElizabeth Fox

Member Profile: Meet David Grimsted

Meet David Grimsted! David has lived in his Cleveland Park house for 50 years. He commuted to work much of that time, as he taught American history for 38 years. On his own, he has planted and cultivated many lovely trees and plantings and can often be seen on his Ordway Street corner pruning and cleaning up his property.

Actually, you could probably now find David sitting at his dining room table proof-reading his latest tome, Their Winning Ways, 1787 – 1860. It deals with the successes industrial wage-earners had, in both crafts and then factories. They secured better wages, much shorter working hours, a voice in capitalism’s ongoing argument between owners and employees, and both national and then international respect through their use of local closed shop unions. This book is part of his long study of the United States’ early cultural history, mainly at the University of Maryland.

One of nine children growing up in Gresham, Oregon, David is the only one living in this area.

Over the years, David has appreciated Village volunteer help with his fractious computer, as well as some of the Village’s good outings, often with the aid of John Wiecking. When asked what other volunteer help he might need, he replied, “Sewing on buttons. I never learned that.” He hopes that, as COVID fades, there will be more cultural outings to places like Glenstone.

Elizabeth Fox is a volunteer, former board member, and founding member of the Village



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