Meet Your Neighbors Night
6:00 to 8:00PM, Monday, January 9th
Thai and Time Again (2311 Calvert St., NW)
WPCA Executive Committee Member Stephanie Zobay has kindly organized another opportunity to get to know your neighbors and have fun: the first of what hopefully will become a monthly Card Night event. There will be a table for Hearts, a table for Spades, and two tables for Bridge (beginner, and experienced). All are welcome. You can propose additional games, too, if you'd like - but will be a host for each of the above tables.
The first Card Night is planned for:
Woodley Park Neighbors Card Night
6:30 to 9:00PM, Thursday January 5th
St. Thomas Apostle Church basement (2665 Woodley Rd. NW)
And, to welcome the new year, the WPCA will have a Meet Your Neighbors Night at a new neighborhood restaurant on Monday January 9 at Thai and Time Again. Please RSVP for the Meet Your Neighbors Night by clicking here.