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  • Writer's pictureFrank Finamore

From Frank...lots to do in March

Here at Village headquarters we’re excited as warmer weather closes in and with it more outdoor activities. March is bit of a transition month, but our own version of March Madness begins next week with new offerings from the Programs Team.

New Programs Start Up in March

  • Next Wednesday at 3:30, there is a new Games Party to be held at the home of Village member and volunteer, Mimi Cutler. Potential games include Bridge, Spades, Pinochle, Scrabble, or Rummy.

  • Thursday at 11:30, we will go to the Botanic Gardens, a living plant museum on the National Mall.

Later in the spring, the Team is considering a trip to a local winery, tour of the Capitol dome, a knitting or sewing group, and even a trip to a horse race. But there’s always room for more ideas and for those interested in helping with our event planning. It’s a great way to get involved and help to make this the vibrant community that we are. Please call 202-615-5853 or email us at

From our list of ongoing wellness activities, we offer something almost every day

  • Monday at 10:00 am, Yoga

  • Wednesday at 9:30 am, Gentle Stretching #1

  • Thursday at 10:00 am, Woodley Walking Group

  • Friday at 10:00 am Gentle Stretching #2

  • Saturday at 9:30 am, the Cathedral Commons Walking Group

Register for any event that you’d like to attend by going to our website, clicking on calendar, finding the activity, and then register by entering your email address. Once registered, you’ll receive an email the day of the event as a friendly reminder!

Hope to see you at an event. And for those with a touch of green, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Frank Finamore is Executive Director of the Village


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