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Writer's pictureFrank Finamore

From Frank ... | Jan 29

This week we’ve welcomed four new members (two couples) to the Village. Pat and Jim Ridgeway are long-time residents of Cleveland Park and Shirley Johnson and David Persuitte are in nearby Van Ness (but chose to join our Village!) I had the pleasure of meeting them, outside of course, with our board co-chair, John Wiecking. It’s likely the best part of my job, meeting and welcoming new members into our terrific community.

I’ve heard from some members that they’ve been able to secure vaccination appointments either through the DC portal or through one of the health centers or hospitals. For those that have been vaccinated, others would like to know of your experiences at the various facilities. If you’re willing, please send an email to detailing your experience, including such things as availability of parking, wait time, physical distancing, etc. We will update our review of sites on our blog. Look around the blog today and you'll see important news and other items of interest, such as how to use Amazon Smile to ensure the Village benefits from your Amazon purchases (at no cost to you!), or the importance of lock boxes for private residences!

Upcoming February Events

It’s hard to believe that February is nearly here! We will celebrate Black History Month and in subsequent weekly emails, we'll be sure to highlight activities across the city. Here are a few quick reminders about upcoming events:

  • On Monday, February 1 at 11:30 am, the "Coffee and Conversation" group will discuss Trump's impeachment, the future of the Republican party, and Democrats' prospects in Congress.

  • Each Wednesday at 1pm is “Wellness Wednesday” featuring a topic of interest from one of the 13 DC Villages. Next Wednesday, February 3, we’re sponsoring the session on “Fire Safety” with the DC Fire & EMS Department.

  • On February 10, we’ll have a virtual “Afternoon Conversation (aka Lunch Bunch) at noon. This is an informal conversation group via Zoom, with the option of eating lunch with the group. This month, the group will chat about where they were during the civil rights movement!

  • On Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am, there’s a brief, half-hour “Morning Stretch” with Beth Kaplan via Zoom. This is a great way to start your day and stretching can be done while seated or standing so it’s great for everyone!

  • Groundhog Day ... Tuesday Feb 2

Be sure to check out our full calendar of events from our website. Bookmark the site and click the meeting icons for all details, including the Zoom links! Hope to see you at an event soon. Stay warm and stay safe…

PS ... I’m choosing to believe that Punxsutawney Phil will not see his shadow and therefore usher Spring in sooner than later!


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