As you know, last week I was away. I had a lovely time at the Delaware shore not doing much of anything, except taking daily walks and enjoying not have a schedule. As a caregiver to my mother, who is largely self-sufficient, but still requiring my care and attention, I hadn’t realized how exhausted I was until I had time away. Like most personal things I raise here with you, except perhaps when I just try to elicit some laughs, I do so to bring home a point. In this instance, it’s to highlight the importance of self-care, particularly for those that care for others.
Although my mother can occupy herself for hours, I cook all of her meals, coordinate with medical providers, manage her finances, try to structure her day with multiple types of activities (because left to her own devices, she’d only do puzzles!), etc. With some short-term memory challenges, she can ask me the same question three times in just a few minutes or tell me the same story many times. I’m clear that I signed up as her caregiver (and I wouldn’t have it any other way so know that I have no regrets) but it’s important to acknowledge that it’s sometimes difficult.
I know that many of you are also caretakers – of spouses, partners, relatives, and friends. Some provide direct support and some undertake things from afar. I know of one family that refers to being part of, “Team Peggy” and I’m happy to say that the Village staff and volunteers are part of that team. As caregivers, it’s vitally important that we take the time to care for ourselves and to get some support.
If you are a caregiver, our Village will be organizing a monthly Caregivers Support Group via Zoom with our Village Case Manager, Barbara Scott. If you are interested in joining, please send me a quick email. If you know someone that might be interested, please forward this newsletter to them and encourage them to let me know. The group will be open to any caregivers – members, family members, volunteers, community members, etc.
Upcoming Programs
I want to call your attention to a few upcoming programs of interest, two of which require you to register in advance.
First, this week our Tuesday Talk series will feature Cleveland Park’s Gigi Bradford who will help us find the meaning in poetry!
On Wednesday at 3pm we’re continuing our partnership with local businesses and Bistro 3321 is letting us into their kitchen to show us how to make pico de gallo, guacamole, and a trio of tacos – chicken, vegan, and the new rage, birria! They will have 2 cameras in their kitchen so that you can see everything that their chef will prepare and exactly how she prepares it! You are also encouraged to order food from them so that later you can taste it. It’s a fun way to spend an hour and a great way to support our local businesses, many of whom are struggling mightily during this pandemic. Please click here to register.
Finally, our Spring concert will take place on the lawn of the Maret School on May 1 from 1-3pm. Bobby McCoy and his band will entertain us with the classic hits of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Seating will be physically-distanced and masks will be required. So, register early (now!) by clicking here to reserve your seat as we are limited to no more than 50 people. This is a great way to celebrate Spring, enjoy seeing your friends, and hear some great live music!
Happy Spring! Be safe and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and join us for an event soon.