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COVID UPDATE: Vaccination Card Pointers

As of May 5, DC has administered 532,191 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. 47,443 DC residents aged 65 and over are fully vaccinated and another 13,914 are partially vaccinated!

This means that 36.3% of residents are at least partially vaccinated and 22.3% are fully vaccinated. Hopefully, you’re one of them, and if so, you received the white, square CDC vaccination card. Here are some pointers from a recent Washington Post article about your vaccination card.

  • Take a picture of your card in the event that it is lost, but don’t share the photo on social media because it contains your name and date of birth which someone could use in a scam effort or other nefarious activity.

  • Take your card with you when you next see your primary care physician.

  • You may laminate your card, although this may complicate matters if you later require a booster shot (as is likely.). If you’ve already laminated your card, don’t worry as they will issue an additional card to record your vaccination.

  • If you’ve lost your vaccination card, you should contact the site that administered your vaccine or contact DC Health at 202-442-4795 or email them at


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