Last weekend, we celebrated Juneteenth and Father’s Day. I hope that all the dads and those men that have mentored others had a good day. I had a nice day with my son, but the day was bittersweet given that this was the first Father’s Day without my own dad. I’m told that the year of firsts without someone is hard, but also recognize that at 90, my mother still misses her parents deeply, many years after they’ve passed. So there’s no real time frame for feeling a sense of loss and even grief.
For me, what does help is not isolating. And for that, I’m happy to share that on July 10th we’re hosting another concert on the lawn of the Maret school. It will be from 5:00 to 6:30 pm and will again feature Bobby McCoy, but with a jazz ensemble. So, it’s a great opportunity to safely gather outdoors, hear some soothing sounds, and be with each other. The concert is open to anyone in the community. To register, go to our website and click on calendar to find the concert.
Volunteers Needed
Our community needs a few new or existing volunteers to undertake the following activities:
Drivers to take members to medical appointments, the grocery store, or other important venues.
Existing volunteers to serve on the Volunteer Committee and to be a “buddy” to new volunteers as they begin their service with us. This is a welcoming role that we hope will help new volunteers get acclimated and feel supported and a part of our community more quickly.
Writers to help develop content for the newsletter, review important documents such as our Member and Volunteer Handbooks, or grant proposals.
Although these are our current needs, with drivers being the most pressing, we can find a job for anyone interested. If you have a special skill or talent, let me know and we’ll figure out how to you can use it to support our community. It’s also great when members step up to also volunteers. Our table is large and there’s definitely a place and a role for everything that wishes to contribute their time and talent.